Thursday, October 6

Drumroll please....

Today was our 18-week ultrasound.  We got to check the complications to see if there was any improvement (there was...praise the Lord for His goodness!!) and to see the gender of our newest family member.   And I'm thrilled that we were able to get a very clear image of this little one's gender, unlike with a very uncooperative Miss A!   : )    

So, drumroll please.....

I'm really excited to start working on the nursery and planning little projects for this new little between decorating Miss A's big girl room and organizing the rest of our house, that is!  Now, if Sweet Hubby and I can just agree on a name for our baby girl, we'll be all set!


1 comment:

kami @ said...


How funny that we both did it the same way.

Congrats on a baby girl! So fun! :)