Thursday, January 12

Toddler Activity: Colored Rice

A few weeks ago, I took about 30 minutes and made colored rice for Miss A to play with as a sensory bin activity.  If you haven't made it before, it is so easy!  I used the recipe found at {Share and Remember} (discovered via Pinterest, of course!) and liquid food colors my Mom had in her cake decorating supplies.  Her colors are super-concentrated and I ended up with really bright, vibrant colored rice!  And brightly colored hands, when the red exploded on me!  (Note to self:  Wear gloves next time!)

I plan to make this again, but next time I'll use gel colors and water, omitting the alcohol. The smell was pretty strong for a few hours, though it dissipated completely and the rice does not smell like alcohol now.  I have since read on other sites that the alcohol isn't really necessary; you can use water, but it just takes a bit longer to dry. 

I used 2 cups of rice for each color (a  5 lb. package) and made 6 colors total:  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple.  The orange and red were very close to the same shade though.  

I got it out today for Miss A to play with for the first time.  This is how I set it up...come back tomorrow to see her reaction and how this new activity went over!


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