Wednesday, June 22

Guest Blogger

Today I welcome my first Guest Blogger!  I hope you'll be sweet to her.  Although she's been featured exclusively on Natural Nester, she's very new to the blog world and she might get her feelings hurt if you are harsh in the comments.  To make it easier on her, I'm doing a simple Q&A with Miss A!


Q: Tell us a little about yourself!
A:  a;lkjladsflmna;lkjda
Translation:  I'm 16-months old, but inside, I'm really 16 years old.  I live at home with my parents, but at least I have my own room...of course, now they put a lock on my door so that I can't shut myself inside.  What's up with that?

Q:  How long have you been blogging?
A:  akdnsf;akldsjfakl;jsafdsklja flds;kj
Translation:  What's blogging?

Q: What's your favorite thing to do?  What keeps you busy?
A:  -24398akgnjak;jgdskfadskja ds dakfj;
Translation:  What doesn't keep me busy?  I love unfolding all the laundry after Mommy folds it.  I'm really just doing her a favor though...Quality Control, baby.  If I can get a free moment, I like climbing on top of the dining room table. Usually Mom is a buzz kill and catches me, though. 

Q: What's your favorite food?
A:  ;wqeoiqjowqt798107akadsf;kj
Translation: I'll eat just about anything, but only in very small quantities.  I really prefer to eat one bite every 15 minutes, as opposed to an entire meal at once.  I like to space out the goodness.  Lately I've been trying the all-grapes diet to see what it does for my weight (I just hit 20 lbs!)  I tell ya' though, nothing tops a warm bottle.  Mom keeps trying to get me to take a cup, but it is Not. The. Same.  Seriously, Mom...what are you thinking?

Q: Early bird or Night Owl?
A: poqeweuoiakhdsaj;kafds
Translation:  Who says you can't be both?  I generally like to go to sleep way past bedtime and only after making both parents rock me for an extended amount of time.  (I also require 13,208 rounds of Old McDonald or as I like to call it E-I-E-I-E.)  I know Mom likes to sleep in every morning, but I believe in makin' hay while the sun shines!  And if I can help her stay in shape by having her chase me around from dawn to dusk, then so be it.  Just doing my part to keep this family healthy!

Q:  What's your proudest accomplishment?
A: ;ajiasjk;adsdkjdaskjl;d
Translation:  It's hard to choose just one...I mean, I do amazing things pretty much every day.  But if I have to pick, I'd say it was the day I reached all the way to the top of the changing table and got the wipes container during naptime.  While Mom thought I was sleeping, I removed every wipe from the container and spread them all over my bed and my room.  Really, it was a work of pure genius!!  It was so great that Mom even took a picture of me! 


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Miss A!  That's all we have time for today, but I hope you'll join us tomorrow for Thrifty Thursday and Friday when I (Meanie Mom) share a recipe for Slowcooker Spinach Lasagna!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is too cute. I love the part about the wipes. My daughter has done that a few times, but your lucky she hasn't found the diaper cream yet! Luckily I caught mine before any "major" painting was done. lol