Friday, June 17

End of an Era

From left to right: two great-nieces of Sam's;
his daughter Jess; his oldest son (Sweet Hubby);
Miss A; Sam; his youngest child Nathan;
and his sister-in-law Teresa.

Thirty-six years ago my father-in-law Suraphong, who now goes by Sam, moved here from Thailand. The result of his life here has been three beautiful children and a granddaughter, Miss A.  About a month ago, Sam announced that he was planning to move back to Thailand.  On Wednesday he called (something he rarely does) and told Sweet Hubby that his flight was leaving today at 11am!  We thought we would have more time here with him so it took us by surprise.  Last night we were able to spend a bit of time with him before he leaves. 

For our family, it's the end of an era.  The patriarch of my husband's family is moving away.  And not just across the street or to a new town, but to the other side of the world.  I'm glad I've taken pictures through the months of Grandpa Sam and Miss A together...I plan to print them out and put them in a book, so she can remember what he looks like. Thank goodness for all the technology to keep us connected....I'm sure Skype and email will help keep us in touch.  I've always loved this saying and this is my prayer (among others) for Grandpa Sam:

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

We love you Grandpa Sam!



Sandite Dad said...

Does that make SH a patriarch?

April@MySacredSojourn said...

Yes, I suppose it does!