Wednesday, May 25

Wild Ride

Life has been a wild ride lately!  There's been a lot of rain, wind and a bit of hail...oh, and a few huge tornadoes!  In case you haven't heard me say this, we live in Oklahoma.  North Central Oklahoma to be exact. While the tornadoes missed our little town, other cities in our state were not spared and our prayers are going out to them and the families affected, especially the family of a missing three-year old little boy.  Please join our family in praying for them!

And I think this should go without saying, but this is the reason for the lack of project and recipe posts.  It's been too dark most of the time to take any photos and we've been keeping a very close eye on the weather, not leaving much time for painting, sewing or nest fluffing. 

On a side note, the photo has nothing to do with the post.  There may not have been much sunshine outside, but this little gal brightens my day!  This was taken with my phone so terrible quality, but it's right after she rubbed jelly and French toast in her hair.  She certainly keeps me giggling!

Don't forget to keep the families suffering devastating loss in your prayers and keep a weather eye open!

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