Sunday, March 6


Sorry, I've been MIA!  It's been a whirlwind week here at the Natural Nester house.  There's been a lot of school work, a lot of cleaning, a lot of other projects.   In fact, it's been so wild I only took a few photos this week and this was the best one! 

One of the things I've been working on is prepping for a meeting at my house on Tuesday.  I co-lead a community group through our church called Moms Unite.  This month we're meeting at my house where I'll be sharing how I have greened our clean.  I'm really excited to be able to share this with the beautiful women who attend...and to share some girl time!

In other news, the countdown is on...Sweet Hubby will be going to Thailand in a little while, so we're beginning earnest preparations for me being a single Mommy (at least for a short while.)  I won't be sharing exactly when he's leaving here for safety reasons, but keep us in your prayers!  I'm not sure which of us will have a harder time with him being or Miss A!

Next week is my spring break from school, and I'm SO excited to have a whole week at home!  I'm planning to rest, rest and more rest.  I also want to get some organizing done which will (hopefully) make my life easier.  I've been reading a lot about ways to organize the home...really, it's the clutter that gets me!

And in the biggest news, yesterday was my birthday! I'm the big 2-9 now!  :)  To celebrate, Sweet Hubby bought us tickets to see the Broadway production of Beauty and The Beast in Tulsa.  I saw The Lion King a few years ago and it rocked my socks off, so I'm SO fact, I better go get dressed because we're supposed to leave in 15 minutes!  Ack!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I am still alive, but very busy.  I'll leave you with this thought from church this morning.  Our precious pastor spoke on the necessity of solitude...reconnecting with God in the quiet, alone places.  She said, "Solitude is not running away from something or escaping.  It's coming back home."  I love that.  Coming back home. 

Be blessed this week!


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