Friday, November 19

20 Days of Gratitude: Day 14


From November 6 until Thanksgiving, I'll be posting everyday, talking about someone or something I'm grateful for. I invite you to participate along with me. If you have a blog and will be participating, send me the link and I'll link back here. If you don't have a blog and there is a blessing you want to talk about, email me and I'll post it along with my daily blessing. I can even post it anonymously, if you'd prefer. There's something very powerful about focusing on what's right in our lives, and I intend to live this way, walking on the path of gratitude.

Day Fourteen:

Today's an easy and simple one.  I'm grateful that my field experience for school is completed.  It was a necessary step to completing my education, but the added time requirement was just an added stressor this semester.  I'm glad it's over, even though I enjoyed getting to know my mentor teacher and the students.  I don't have pics because of privacy issues, but suffice it to say, those were great kids!  I'll miss you guys, particularly you, Little Man M!


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