Tuesday, June 22

Tuesdays Unwrapped

Today is Tuesday and the countdown is on.  There are 62 days until school starts.  62 days.  That's not much time.  Not much time to enjoy being home with no responsibilities except to love and care for my Baby Girl.  Not much time to finish up projects I've had percolating in my head since we moved in.  Not much time to have lazy days and fun days and sun days.  But I am determined to open each one like a package, untying that twine string and pulling back the brown paper.  Seeing what each day has in store and enjoying it to the fullest.  Because before I know it, August will be here, school will be starting and life will change.  It will get fuller, more hectic.  It will all be good changes, but it will be change nonetheless, and change can be daunting.  So until then, I will breathe in the warm summer air, feel the sun on my cheeks and savor every moment. 

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